To our Dearest Menzians,. We're well aware that all of you are awaiting answers and here it is:.

05 Aug 2022, 16:25
To our Dearest Menzians, We’re well aware that all of you are awaiting answers and here it is: - As far as Trustpad goes, we believe it is in the best interest of both parties that we amicably go our separate ways. Our vision does not align in regards to what we at MENZY stands for, and what MENZY would like to achieve and as such, we believe it is in the best interest of both parties to refund Trustpad’s Users. - We are well-capitalized to take any such hit on our market cap, and will actually be increasing hires, with new hires in dev, marketing and finance to round out our hires. - We have been working daily around the clock to provide the best possible product. As it stands, once Adam was added to the team, he made requests that required further time on the development side and we found and patched some security concerns. We don’t want a product that can be spoofed, copied or hacked in just a matter of weeks.We want a product that we can stand behind. - We will be burning a majority of the tokens that will be refunded. - Along with this, we will be rewarding our community for sticking with us by adding a portion of tokens into another airdrop. The details of this airdrop will be provided in the coming days. - We will be rewarding participants who stick with us for the long haul such as the team from Poolz especially, Blokpad or anyone from Seedify who does not request a refund as according to Seedify’s list of customers not requesting a refund. - Lastly, our launch with will be taking place this week with our Initial Start-up Event - this event will allow more users than ever to buy MNZ at its lowest possible price yet! - We are releasing videos of the application in use as well in order to prove that we have a working application that does exactly what it is we claimed. Regards, Menzy Team